Team Sections
You can access your team via the My Groups section of your homepage. Here you can see the name and icon of your group with the number of members and cases listed below. Selecting the name of your team will bring you to your team page.
View team information by navigating through the tabs located below the team icon. These tabs are:
- Group members
- Cases
- Shared cases
- Studies
“GROUP MEMBERS” contains a list of all team members, with a search bar located above the list for a quick search of all members.
“CASES” contains a list of all records owned by your team. Learn more about Creating Team Records. The “Filters” bar to the left of the record list allows you to filter by whether a record is part of a study, privacy level, referrer, collaborator, author, creation or modification date, date of birth, diagnosis, phenotype, and/or gene. You can also filter by patient name (first, last, or family) at the top of the record list if you're using PhenoTips Enterprise. Selecting the identifier of any record in the list will open that record in view mode, while selecting the edit icon (orange pencil) to the far right of the record opens the record in edit mode. Selecting the red “X” to the right of the edit icon deletes that patient record. Learn more about Searching Your Database.
“SHARED CASES” contains a list of all records on which your group is listed as a collaborator, but which are owned by another user or group. Learn more about sharing records to groups and Adding Collaborators to Patient Records. The “Filters” bar to the left of the record list allows you to filter by whether a record is part of a study, privacy level, referrer, collaborator, author, creation or modification date, date of birth, diagnosis, phenotype, and/or gene. You can also filter by patient name (first, last, or family) at the top of the record list if you're using PhenoTips Enterprise. Selecting the identifier of any record in the list will open that record in view mode, while selecting the edit icon (orange pencil) to the far right of the record opens the record in edit mode. Selecting the red “X” to the right of the edit icon deletes that patient record. Learn more about Searching Your Database.
“STUDIES” brings you to a list of all studies your team is a participant in. By default, you will have access to one study, but additional studies can be requested. Select your study to see all records in that study, under the “CASES” tab, and all teams that are a part of that study, under the “PARTICIPATING GROUPS” tab. Both tabs are located below the name of the study. The name of the study and study description can be edited by selecting the blue edit (pencil) icon on the right side of the study header.
In “CASES”, the “Filters” bar to the left of the record list allows you to filter by privacy level, referrer, collaborator, author, creation or modification date, date of birth, diagnosis, phenotype, and/or gene. You can also filter by patient name (first, last or family) at the top of the record list if you're using PhenoTips Enterprise. Selecting the identifier of any record in the list will open that record in view mode, while selecting the edit icon (orange pencil) to the far right of the record opens the record in edit mode. Selecting the red “X” to the right of the edit icon deletes that patient record.
Updated almost 3 years ago