over 1 year ago by PhenoTips Support
- Allow collaborator from study auto-config to remove collaborators
- Making the application not start if auto-config orders conflict
- An admin page where xoverrides can be run manually in the UI
- Indexing service entity mapping - clean up how empty values are represented to improve searches
- Improvement to the performance of the variant matching endpoint and paginate the results
- Able to xoverride object GUIDs
- Users can change the study of a patient even though they are not allowed to create a patient with that study
- Restoring a deleted patient record which had a family shows a velocity error in the pedigree section
- Measurements API: 204 response and Java exception on malformed data
- AutoConfigEventListener does not run all auto configs
- When the patent owner setting for the ppq scheduler is non-empty we get an error in the scheduler UI
- Azure blob store fails to initialize when sas token is only on the container
- The tooltip for patient ethnicity field is missing in the patient record
- The java xoverride module throws an NPE due to the profile config property
- A velocity error is displayed instead of a study when "None" is selected
- The location of the physical chart and address are not properly set in the Excel export
- Family endpoint does not include internal family ID in the LOCATION header of the response
- Pedigree exit always lands on the patient sheet in view mode.
- Pedigree created through PPQ with consanguinity leads to errors in the pedigree