

  1. A new patient ethnicity field on the patient sheet
  2. A new admin section to see how much ram each index uses under the Indexing
  3. A rest endpoint for the new patient and family search pages
  4. A rest endpoint for exporting patients
  5. A new rest endpoint for user permissions
  6. Modify the pedigree save API endpoint to use the default SVG when one is not provided


  1. Patient live table shows family value as "xwiki.Families.FAMxxxxx" for the family records that the user has no access to
  2. The arrows in the Age of Onset can't be collapsed
  3. Pedigree image exports are corrupted in Epic Browser (IE)
  4. The pedigree print doesn't work in the Epic browser (IE) - which leads to a script error
  5. Unable to export pedigree in Boadicea format if there is a deceased node in the pedigree
  6. Pedigree Initialization failed error
  7. Dragging and dropping of genes on pedigree nodes is not working
  8. Should show a popup message, "stay or leave" when the user closes the browser tab with unsaved changes in pedigree
  9. Multiple issues related to "Age at death" and "Current age" fields in pedigree
  10. The order of Patient information section fields defined in PatientFormContentOrder is not correct
  11. The CreatePatientRecord script shows a velocity error if the document creator loses edit rights on the document
  12. Patient live table no longer shows family external id in brackets for the family value
  13. When Group subscription is selected and "Allow users..." is not selected users can create patients that don't belong to a study
  14. As a front end dev I would like to have a rest endpoint for the new patient and family search pages
  15. PTV2-146: Multiple issues related to "Age at death" and "Current age" fields in pedigree
  16. Variant Store doesn't work in IE11 browser
  17. Unable to submit ppq, submission leads to a 500 error
  18. The family identifier in the patient form doesn't have a hyperlink to it
  19. Migrator R1PhenoTips5029 - patient collaborator migration fails
  20. OpenPatientRecord cannot handle patient records with incomplete dates
  21. Few Phenotypes marked as NO is shown as YES