

  1. CRAT: Boadicea- Wrong service version number
  2. ORDO re-indexing fails with the latest URL
  3. PPQ: On PPQ submission the sex field is never populated with the PPQ value
  4. CRAT: Boadicea- the version display is not consistent with other models
  5. CRAT: IBIS- Wrong service version number
  6. AHS: Thymleaf PDF template is not exporting partial dates
  7. CRAT: PDF report includes the previously selected model's result along with the current chosen model
  8. CRAT: IBIS- Competing mortality question should not have the thunder icon
  9. CRAT doesn't show the gram/day value for alcohol consumption, for the pedigree created through PPQ
  10. CRAT: IBIS- Competing mortality changes to NO from Yes when CRAT is closed and Reopened