

  1. Improved UMS front-end error handling
  2. Added the ability to disable the 'None' option for Studies during patient creation
  3. Users are only allowed to bulk export or download information if they have the appropriate permission levels
  4. CRAT: Users can see the service version numbers in the UI
  5. CRAT: Ability to select/deselect competing mortality for the IBIS model
  6. Genomics4RD: Added family ID to matching API result
  7. For variant matching PhenotypicFeatureDto, the onset type field is an enum
  8. CRAT: Improvement to differentiate between errors and warnings in Boadicea


  1. CRAT: BOADICEA> Some values in the family history sections reset with gene test inputs
  2. The Pedigree Cancers tab loads extra entries which get stuck