over 2 years ago by ReadMe API
- Disable QuickSearch input box in Performance config broken
- Pedigree model is missing the feature -> supporting_documents and supporting_images field
- An HPO term is recorded twice in mappedCancerTerms.yml
- CRAT: Convert stored height units from centimetres to metres in the Boadicea CRAT adapter
- In PropertiesModel change the type for additionalDocuments, additional images, and medical reports
- Pedigree model is missing the deprecation_marker and patient_link fields
- Sex field is not shown in the patient sheet for the patient having Other/Unknown Sex in the PFQ Questionnaire
- Mismatch in the "Date of death" field mapping between the patient sheet and pedigree node menu
- CRAT: BOADICEA> Missing a few questions in the "Family medical history" for some relatives
- CRAT: Weight and height fields are wiped every time the cancer risk module is initiated
- Pedigree: Not to include pregnancy in the BOADICEA export
- Export labeled eids as part of Phenopackets