10 days ago by PhenoTips Support
- Updated PPQ study workflows so that table reflects patient's current study, rather than the one the questionnaire was created in
- Allow for filtering by study in Browse Questionnaires table
- Rename BOADICEA to CanRisk in CRAT PDF report
- UDN Gateway push
- Allow non-admins to manage QuestionnaireSchedulerGroup
- Added workflow status to PPQ Scheduler Table and as a filter & column in Browse Questionnaires
- Added Physical Chart Location to Family Record page
- Added 'adopted' to pedigree data model for PPQ
- Broken Push Patient Report
- Postal code filter on Browse Patients not working
- Phenotypes not automatically adding based on abnormal measurements
- Neuro-Skeletal Timecourse table not automatically adding HPO terms
- Case solved status disappearing from view mode if there is an entry in the Metabolomics section
- Browse Questionnaire page no filtering by study when 'None' is selected study filter
- Suggested genes count does not match total results
- Livetable pagination
- Collaborator with manage access can't delete the patient record from the patient livetable