5 months ago by PhenoTips Support
- Efficient Excel export for a large number of patients
- Perform duplicate check on PPQ Access Tokens, allowing for reduced token lengths
- No longer need to remove excess characters from a generated PPQ URL; users can directly copy-paste the link into their browser URL bar
- Enable smaller resolutions for the PPQ QR code
- Introduction of new Gender field in patient form and pedigree
- Two additional options added to the Sex field on the patient and pedigree
- Introduction of email & Telephone # fields in the Address section of Patient Information
- NHS WGS Test Order form enabled in Enterprise build
- Ability to search by postal code in the 'Browse Patients' table
- New Patient tag filter in Browse Patients page
- Allow users to set study for a questionnaire, enabling PPQ referrals workflow for external providers
- Modified 'Cancel' button in PPQ Scheduler table to better visually indicate functionality
- Updated cancer risk adaptor code for Boadicea service to accommodate new changes for Boadicea v6
- Skeletal & Neurology timecourse table added to enterprise build as a configurable element of the patient record
- Ability to change the document creator through a rest API
- Flexible REST endpoint for searching patient records by both EID and labeled IDs
- A new Browse Questionnaire page to track PPQ requests
- CanRisk (BOADICEAv6) support -- new genes
- (Pedigree) Support for representation of non-binary individuals with new symbol annotations and availability of both sex and gender fields
- The global scheduler page shows an error for a patient search that has a submitted questionnaire
- Gender controller does not work for Non-Binary genders
- Adding commented sentences in PatientFormContentOrdering is breaking the parser
- PPQ scheduler toasts auto-close too quickly
- Export Genetic Summary Report Export DOCX has a few missing fields in the Measurements
- Incorrect error message displayed in the PPQ scheduler when there is already a record with the same MRN but the MRN is changed and a PPQ is scheduled
- There is no search box for the studies column filter on the browse patients page
- Creating a Questionnaire immediately after editing the identifier field inside the patient sheet leads to creating a duplicate patient
- Patients live table: Cannot do Excel/JSON export for a large number of patient records.
- Copy number variant filters do not filter correctly in the new indexing service-based livetable
- Collaborator filter lists the records for which the collaborator is also an owner in the new indexing service-based livetable
- Livetable labeled eid's search is not working as expected